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时间:2013-03-07 来源: 作者: 点击:


High order conservative nodal type schemes using multi-moment constraints

Prof. Feng Xiao(肖锋)

Tokyo Institute of Technology




邀请人:姜宗林 研究员



Dr. Xiao received his PhD degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1996. He has been working on computational mechanics and physics for over 20 years. He has authored/co-authored over 80 peer-reviewed journal articles (over 1000 citations from ISI Web of Knowledge), 2 books and over 180 presentations in international and Japanese conferences or symposia. He is a recipient of the Computational Mechanics Achievement Award of Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (2011) and the fellow award of Japan Association for Computational Mechanics (2009). He is currently serving as chair of climate change division of the inter-departmental organization for environment and energy in Tokyo Institute of Technology, and associate editor of Journal of Computational Physics.



The discrete quantities, so-called moments in our context, such as cell integrated average, point value and derivatives, reveal different aspects of the physical field. Using more than two kinds of these quantities simultaneously as the predicted variables or the constraints to derive the evolution equations for the predicted variables leads to another category of algorithms that are essentially different from the conventional finite difference or finite volume methods, and thus provides an alternative framework for scheme and model development.

   This talk will present the underlying ideas and fundamental numerical formulations of the multi-moment approach, particularly a class of conservative high order nodal type schemes that use multi-moments as the constraint conditions.


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